Saturday, August 3, 2019

Week 8 ~ That's Means Two Months Down!

I can't believe how fast it has gone by!

Though my scale continues to bounce around, I am losing inches. I've gone down a size in my jeans. Another notch on my watch, even a little thinner in the face. Along with that came eating healthier as well.

Some of the lessons are taking longer to sink in, but I don't give up!

I know I say that a lot!

Implementing some of the tips can be challenging.

I knew from the beginning it wasn't going to be a quick fix. I was in it for the long haul. I wanted a change in my diet that would last forever.

Five out of the seven days I was able to stay within my red budget!

I really need to pick up the pace!

If only my mind over matter would cooperate!

Another week down...