Saturday, August 17, 2019

Week 10 ~ Channeling Our Superhero!

We were encouraged to create ourselves as a superhero.

Meet Empowered ElizaBeth!

I have the ability to be strengthened by WILL-Power!

I got a bit serious when it came to making me up as a "superhero!" 

How do you create a superhero?

I made a list of all the 'E' words that pertained to being energized, motivated, and passionate about losing this weight, and EMPOWERED, fit perfectly with Elizabeth.

When I googled for an image to use as y superhero, I found a comic series all about a funky superhero, who is awkward, insecure, getting herself into predicaments now and then, and that's me in a nutshell.

Though I don't totally feel like her, nor would you catch me wearing an outfit like that, her ability to display will-power even when things aren't going exactly right just fits.

I'm even a bit curious now to read a few of her adventures.

Empowered, Volume 1

(Empowered #1)

Various (Illustrator)
Nate Lovett (Illustrator)
 3.78  ·   Rating details ·  1,275 ratings  ·  134 reviews
Not only is costumed crimefighter "Empowered" saddled with a less-than-ideal superhero name, but she wears a skintight and cruelly revealing "supersuit" that only magnifies her body-image insecurities. Worse yet, the suit's unreliable powers are prone to failure, repeatedly leaving her in appallingly distressing situations... and giving her a shameful reputation as the lamest "cape" in the masks-and-tights business. Nonetheless, she pluckily braves the ordeals of her bottom-rung superheroic life with the help of her "thugalicious" boyfriend (and former Witless Minion) and her hard-drinking ninja girlfriend, not to mention the supervillainous advice from the caged alien demonlord watching DVDs from atop her coffee table . . .

My affirmation is...

Since I use Coldplay's "Adventure of a Lifetime" for my workouts, I am a Diamond Taking Shape!

Noomnerds have a way of keeping it real with some excellent tips and games, that get us on the track they know we need to be on.


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Week 9 ~ Goals are G.R.E.A.T!

Time to be S.M.A.R.T. about it...again!

That means being Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound!

I don't remember which week it was where we were instructed to set our alarm to move for at least six minutes, six times a day. 

For me, that was one S.M.A.R.T. move for my part!

The alarms I set were set along with Coldplay's, "Adventure of a Lifetime." 

Perfect get up and move music.

Sometimes I let it play longer to exceed the six minutes, and have increased those workout moves up to fifteen minutes, working toward thirty minutes when possible.

I decided to change up the songs for each alarm. Each segment now rocks with a different Coldplay song. Some have turned into mini workouts of their own. While other times I get up and dance. I'll ride the incline stationary bike during one. Sometimes it's a brisk walk. And sometimes it's a crazy old lady doing figure eights with hips and arms swinging out of control!

I really want my granny flaps to stop flapping in the wind, LOL!

I want that flat tummy I worked hard to regain after the birth of twins thirty-eight years ago! Well, as flat as one can be for a 62-year-old woman that is!

Illness and healing, with some setbacks, have transformed this body into something unrecognizable, and it's time to take it back!

No way is it going on a cruise like this!

  Steps were just steps this week...

Weight-ins continue to bounce around, although I'm still losing a pound a week. I wonder is it will ever go up?

As the week comes to an end, we are asked to write our story...

 LOL, I've already been doing that...

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Week 8 ~ That's Means Two Months Down!

I can't believe how fast it has gone by!

Though my scale continues to bounce around, I am losing inches. I've gone down a size in my jeans. Another notch on my watch, even a little thinner in the face. Along with that came eating healthier as well.

Some of the lessons are taking longer to sink in, but I don't give up!

I know I say that a lot!

Implementing some of the tips can be challenging.

I knew from the beginning it wasn't going to be a quick fix. I was in it for the long haul. I wanted a change in my diet that would last forever.

Five out of the seven days I was able to stay within my red budget!

I really need to pick up the pace!

If only my mind over matter would cooperate!

Another week down...

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Week 7 ~ The Struggle is Real!

Problem is, I LOVE the RED FOODS!

Ritz and cheese
Ice Cream
Hot Dogs
French Fries

And I could keep going, but I think you get my point.

And while life can include them, I just need to moderate them!

This challenge might take longer than a week for me, but I won't give up!



 Steps... still bouncing around 228-230. Hoping the exercising will help take me over the hump. I know it won't hurt!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Week 6 ~ I'm On a Roll!

By the time we got home Sunday, I was wiped out.

Time to get back to our regularly scheduled programming...LIFE!

...And Noom!
And deeper we did...

Each day the lessons learned will begin to take root, and the chances of the weight coming back will be slim, along with me, hehe!

My calorie count continues to look fine, but it really isn't. 

My red food, the ones I can't seem to overcome, still tempt me. 

I need to pay more attention to the analysis of the count by clicking on the rainbow...

This is why my ounces go up and done, keeping my weight graph looking like a slithering snake, as it travels downward.

To help tip the scale more in my favor, it's time to get some exercise stuff rounded up!

As you can see, I update my noom scale to reflect the digital. Though my weight continues to be a challenge, watching the ounces bounce up and down, do continue to decline...

Sometimes the jump in my numbers is partially due to water retention and inflammation. Also, poop can change it as well. Yes, I just pointed that out. Since my gallbladder removal, it has taken time, but I'm with Dr. Oz. How you poop is says a lot about how we are feeling, how the foods we eat affect us, and I worked hard, no pun intended, to have pretty poops! Adjusting when I weigh myself helps with seeing the number go the direction that excites me.

Until then, I can...

Steps...I was moving a bit slow this week. It's normal after a busy vacation!

Ready to take on Week 7...